Published twice a year, I Tatti Studies features important new work on every aspect of the artistic, literary, religious, musical, philosophical, historical, and scientific dimensions of early modern Italian culture in a global context. Individual articles often cross over several of these areas.
We encourage submissions of essays exploring any aspect of early modern global culture in which Italy plays a role. All essays are to be submitted in English; they should be no longer than 10,000 words, including notes, and may contain up to twelve images. We are also working with the University of Chicago Journals Division to enable more interactive possibilities for the online ITS and we look forward to collaborating with scholars in the performative and visual arts in order to provide innovative platforms for their work. I Tatti Studies maintains a double-blind review process and commits to a timely first round of reviews (within a six-month period, and often much sooner). We also invite proposals for clusters (3-4 essays) or themed issues (6-8 essays).
For the style guide for essays, please see the bottom of this page. For online submission or subscription, please click here. For other inquiries, please feel free to email Professor Alexander Nagel, General Editor of I Tatti Studies, or Managing Editor Sophia Bevacqua, at sbc413[at]
Tables of contents for all previous volumes (via JSTOR)