Harvard Catalogs and Other Research Tools
HOLLIS is the Harvard Library catalog, and the entire holdings of the Berenson Library can be discovered here. HOLLIS searches most resources owned by Harvard Library in a single unified search, including books, journals, manuscripts, images, archives, and more, and also provides access to a huge range of online indices and full-text content. Consult HOLLIS Help for more information about how to get the most from HOLLIS searches. Berenson Library users who do not hold a Harvard ID may access most online content from the library’s terminals and wifi network.
HOLLIS for Archival Discovery
Catalog specifically designed for exploring collection guides, finding aids, and inventories to special collections and archival materials at 30 Harvard repositories, including letters, papers, photos, digital content, and more.
HOLLIS Images is Harvard Library’s dedicated image catalog. It includes content from archives, museums, libraries, and other collections throughout Harvard University. Access to the catalog is open to the general public, though the viewing of some full-resolution images may be restricted to Harvard or onsite users.
Check Harvard Library Bookmark
Use this bookmarklet to get quick access to subscriptions purchased by Harvard Library.
Lean Library
A browser extension that provides seamless access to Harvard Library subscriptions from anywhere on the web.
Rinascimento – Research Guide to Renaissance Studies
A guide to the most important electronic resources and digital humanities projects of relevance to Renaissance Studies. The guide also lists research centers or organizations devoted to the Renaissance as well as current and upcoming conferences and lectures in the field.
Image Collections at the Berenson Library
A guide to the wide-ranging collections of images held by I Tatti’s library.
IRIS Consortium of Florentine Area Art History and Humanities Libraries
In addition to HOLLIS, many of the Berenson Library’s holdings appear in the Florentine union catalog of IRIS, of which I Tatti was a founding member in 1993. The Berenson Library’s records are updated in the IRIS catalog once a month. For up-to-date information on new accessions, holdings data, and the availability of items, as well as for information on most non-print materials like images and archival resources, users should consult HOLLIS.