Mikhail Lopatin

Mikhail Lopatin

Mellon Fellow
"The Two Cultures": Canonic Techniques in Late Trecento and Early Quattrocento
2014-2015 (Sept-Dec)
Mikhail Lopatin


Mikhail Lopatin received his PhD in Musicology in 2011 from the Moscow P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory, with a dissertation on Guillaume Du Fay’s and Johannes Ockeghem’s cyclic masses. Since 2011 his primary research interests have been in canons and canonic techniques of Trecento and early Quattrocento music. From 2011 until 2012 he conducted research on Italian caccia, supported by the Swiss Federal Government Scholarship (ESKAS). He has contributed articles to various Russian and European journals. Mikhail is currently an Assistant Professor at the Moscow P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory.

Project Summary

This project focuses on paleographic, textual and compositional features of two canonic repertoires transmitted in various north Italian and Florentine manuscripts of the early Quattrocento. It aims to explore what were the mutual relations of these canonic corpora, and to what extent the new repertoire acknowledged the older caccia tradition.