Nicola Carboni

Nicola Carboni

Digital Humanities Fellow
Semantic Conversations: a multidisciplinary approach for an integrated heritage
2017 - 2018 (February-June)
Nicola Carboni



Nicola Carboni is a Marie Curie PhD fellow in CNRS investigating the intersection between visual items and knowledge representation. He received his Bachelor degree in Cultural Heritage from the University of Pisa in 2010, and an international Master degree in Digital Library Learning from the joint consortium of the Tallinn University, Oslo and Akershus College of Applied Science and the University of Parma in 2013. He joined afterwards, as data curator & modeler, the Trentino Open Data project where he worked for opening and interlink public data. His research interests are Data Management, Semantic Web, Cultural Heritage and Digital Preservation.

Project Summary

The storing of the information related to cultural objects is constructed throughout the registration of different media items, which function as an anchor of the original object in digital space. The project investigates their enrichment and retrieval with the help of new semantic information frameworks in the context of humanities. Drawing from classical studies and information science the fellow aim to organise various art-historical information on the base of the identity of their single constituent elements. Starting with Jacob Burckhardt critical edition, the objective is the convert and enrich complex formalised dataset in order to align them with others sources, overcoming the drawbacks of the current methodology and work towards a multi-layered perspective. This process would lead to an integration of the diverse allowing, moreover, automatic reasoning and enrichment over the initial information which would result in a wider audience and greater reuse.