Rossend Arqués

Rossend Arqués

Representation and typologies of the space in Petrach


Rossend Arqués Corominas is Professor of Italian Literature at Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona. His primary research interests revolve around the Italian literature during the Middle Age and the Renaissance. He has authored several articles on Dante, Cavalcanti, Petrarca and Aretino. He has published a bilingual edition of Petrarch’s Secretum (2012). A Grande Dizionario di Spagnolo (Italiano-Spagnolo / Spagnolo-italiano), edited with Adriana Padoan, is forthcoming from Zanichelli editrice, Bologna. 

Project Summary

This project is a study of the concept of space in the works of Petrarch. It focuses on different types of Petrarch’s loci and the meaning of each of them in the different works by the Aretino. The study wishes to highlight the significance of Petrarch in the appraisal of space within Humanistic culture throughout both the personal and the cartographical experience.