I Tatti is delighted to launch a new online catalogue that transforms Bernard Berenson’s The Drawings of the Florentine Painters into Linked Open Data. A group of art historians and IT specialists incorporated data found in all three versions of Berenson’s foundational text: as it was first published in 1903, revised in 1938, then revised and translated into Italian in 1961. Though many catalogues exist for individual collections and artists, Berenson’s study is the only resource that includes drawings from across Europe and the United States by nearly seventy Florentine painters, from Taddeo Gaddi through Bronzino. The linked catalogue makes Berenson’s invaluable catalogue information available in a machine-readable format, allowing researchers to mine the source content in ways that were hitherto difficult or impossible.
This project was made possible thanks to a generous grant from the Samuel H. Kress Foundation.