A New Look for the I Tatti Studies in Italian Renaissance History Series

January 22, 2020
I Tatti Studies publication of 2019

Our I Tatti Studies in Italian Renaissance History series has been given a new look, with three volumes featuring the new design already in print. The series—edited until December 2019 by Kate Lowe and now edited by Nicholas Terpstra—is one of the few outside Italy to produce monographic studies on the history of the Italian Renaissance. See page 16 of our current newsletter to learn more about how I Tatti's book series' are taking on a new shape. 



Strocchia, Sharon T. 2019. Forgotten Healers: Women and the Pursuit of Health in Late Renaissance Italy



Herzig, Tamar. 2019. A Convert’s Tale: Art, Crime, and Jewish Apostasy in Renaissance Italy



Marsh, David. 2019. Giannozzo Manetti: The Life of a Florentine Humanist.