Daniel Walden
Graduate Fellow
Musica Prisca Caput: Looking For the Origins of Tuning and Temperament
2016 - 2017 (September-December)
Musica Prisca Caput: Looking For the Origins of Tuning and Temperament
2016 - 2017 (September-December)

Daniel Walden is a PhD Candidate and Presidential Scholar in Music Theory at Harvard University. He received the MPhil in Music Studies with Distinction at University of Cambridge, as a Gates Cambridge Scholar. As a Graduate Fellow, Daniel will conduct research for his dissertation exploring sixteenth-century Italian “enharmonic” theories proposing new microtonal divisions of the octave and their relationship to natural philosophy and political theory. He will also investigate how this history was reinterpreted in the nineteenth century, particularly by the Japanese theorist Tanaka Shôhei. Daniel is also a pianist and a recipient of a 2016 Leonore Annenberg Arts Fellowship.