Francesco Lucioli
Reading Ariosto in Early Modern Italy: "Orlando furioso"’s Reception in Conduct Literature for Women

Francesco Lucioli (PhD, University of Rome Sapienza, 2012) specializes in Italian linguistics and literature. He has published several articles on chivalric poetry, Renaissance Rome, the art of memory, Neolatin poetry and letters, women writers and conduct literature, and on the links between literature and art. He is the author of Amore punito e disarmato. Parola e immagine da Petrarca all’Arcadia (2013), and Jacopo Sadoleto umanista e poeta (2014). He has also edited Giuliano Dati’s Aedificatio Romae (2012), and Agostino Valier’s Instituzione d’ogni stato lodevole delle donne cristiane (forthcoming). From 2012-2014, he was a Research Associate at the University of Cambridge.
Project Summary
The project focuses on the reception of Ludovico Ariosto’s Orlando furioso in Early Modern Italian conduct literature for and about women. The project aims to analyse the use of Ariosto’s poem as a sourcebook of moral examples in treatises and dialogues which sought to define the nature of women, their education, and their role in society.