Levent Yilmaz
Renaissance and early modern sources of Vico: humanist and legal origins of the Scienza Nuova.
2014-2015 (Jan-June)

Levent Yilmaz is a professor of intellectual history at Istanbul Bilgi University. His research focuses on European historiography (14th-18th centuries). He received his Ph.D from EHESS (2002) with a dissertation on the Quarrel of the Ancients and Moderns. His publications include Le Temps Moderne (2004) and an edited volume, Giambattista Vico and the Basic Concepts of The New Science (2007). His current research is on the historical-legal sources of the New Science. He was a Senior Braudel Fellow at the European University Institute and Directeur d’études invité at the EHESS.
Project Summary
The projects will focus on Renaissance jurisprudence and its relations to historiography between 16th and 18th centuries in Europe. His work will investigate the origins of natural law theories, the identities of the jurisconsults used in the work of Giambattista Vico (such as Baldus, Bartolus and Grotius), and their role in the New Science.