Lisandra Costiner

Lisandra Costiner

Kress Digital Humanities Fellow
Computational Techniques for the Study of Renaissance Artistic Practices
2021-2022 (January-June)
Lisandra Costiner


Lisandra (Lia) Costiner is an art historian specializing in late-medieval and Renaissance visual culture, with an interest in computational approaches. She trained in Art History at the University of Oxford (DPhil, MSt) and in Visual Studies at Harvard University (AB). She held a Junior Research Fellowship in the History of Art at the University of Oxford and a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Digital Humanities and Experimental Museology at EPFL, Switzerland. She leads a number of collaborative projects that use computational techniques to analyze visual culture and explore immersive ways of engaging with heritage. At the University of Oxford, she is the research lead of the X-Reality Hub and the founder of the (en)coding Heritage Network..


Project Summary

This project proposes computational techniques for investigating the reuse of painting compositions in Renaissance Italy, taking as a point of departure paintings by Raphael. The study pioneers a method for analyzing computationally the relationship between an original painting, its copies and derivatives, offers insights into the working practices of Renaissance artists, and devises new ways of visualizing affiliations between copies created across time and geographical locations.