Luisa Capodieci
"Mi dipinse Amore". Petrarca e la rivoluzione artistica alla corte di Francesco I

Luisa Capodieci is maître de conférences at the l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Her research focuses on the artistic relations between France and Italy during the Renaissance. She published several articles on the art of Fontainebleau, court festivals and triumphal entries under the Valois, focusing on the function of mythology, philosophy, and poetry in the creation of the royal image. She has published a book : Medicæa Medæa. Art, astres et pouvoir à la cour de Catherine de Médicis (2011), and two edited books : Homère à la Renaissance. Mythe et transfigurations, (2011), Charles IX : images, imaginaire, symbolique (forthcoming).
Project Summary
This project focuses on the essential role played by Petrarch in the fashioning of a “French Renaissance,” which constructed for itself a new legitimacy by means of Tuscan amorous verse. It explores how Petrarch becomes the example for others to follow, in order to invent an artistic model unique to the French monarchy.