This seminar is an exercise in micro-philology and global history. Through the analysis of a very short manuscript, Pier Mattia Tommasino aims to disentangle the complex and intertwined relations between European Orientalists, Italian...
In our last Thursday seminar of 2016, Justin Steinberg will explore the influence of the inquisitorial trial - the most important development in legal procedure in Western Europe - on the most important development in Western literary style...
According to the early modern discourse on art, Annibale Carracci was the inventor of caricature, intended as ritrattino caricato, a portrait that accentuates the disproportional features of an individual likeness. The reasons for this...
The seminar discusses Melchiorre Cafà’s sculpture of St Rose of Lima of 1665 in the context of the iconography of the beatification and sanctification of Rose of St Mary, 1668 and 1671. One the hand, the construction and propagation of the first...
During this seminar Nevra Necipoğlu will aim to reconstruct the social topography and urban development of Constantinople during the 14th and 15th centuries, based on evidence from Byzantine, Western, and Ottoman sources. Data pertaining to...
The visual and cultural depiction of the relationship between man and monkey is the focus of this seminar. In particular, Andrea Rizzi will explore a specific representation of monkeys in early modern visual images that has received relatively...