
Speaker: Maria H. Loh (CUNY Hunter College)
Liquid Sky: Representations of the Early Modern Sky. Can we think anew about the sky in a historical moment before aeronautics and atmospheric physics, before the nine planets and their numerous moons were named, before the discovery of electricity and the invention of photography, and before heliocentrism and the spots on the moon were accepted as givens? Rather than the scientific sky of astronomers and physicists to come, Liquid Sky will explore the abstract, puzzling, and volatile sky—at once beautiful and devastating—in the period between Dante’s imagining of paradise and Galileo’s portrait of starry messengers.
Maria H. Loh is Professor in Art History at CUNY Hunter College. She was a predoctoral fellow at the Getty Research Institute, the Joanna Randall-MacIver Junior Research Fellow at St Hilda’s College Oxford, the recipient of a Philip Leverhulme Prize, and the Willis F. Doney Member at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. Until 2016, she taught in the Department of History of Art at University College London. Her publications include Titian Remade. Repetition and the Transformation of Early Modern Italian Art (Los Angeles, 2007), Still Lives: Death, Desire, and the Portrait of the Old Master (Princeton, 2015), and Titian’s Touch (forthcoming from Reaktion).
ZOOM details
Topic: I Tatti Debriefs 1: Liquid Sky
Time: Dec 7, 2020 12:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 954 6370 9241
Password: 455577
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