I Tatti is pleased to announce that the 2022 I Tatti Mongan Prize has been awarded to Professor Carmen C. Bambach.
The I Tatti Mongan Prize is given to a distinguished scholar of Renaissance art or connoisseurship who carries into a new generation the qualities of imaginative scholarship, personal generosity, and devotion to the institutions of art history that were exemplified in their own generation by Agnes and Elizabeth Mongan. Founded by a gift from Melvin Seiden, the prize was first conferred in 1988 on Sydney Freedberg, and successively on Craig Hugh Smyth (1992), Sir Ernst Gombrich (1996), Caroline Elam (2003), Paola Barocchi (2006), Elizabeth Cropper (2011), Hans Belting (2013), Marvin Trachtenberg (2016), and Miguel Falomir Faus (2018).
Carmen C. Bambach is the Marica F. and Jan T. Vilcek Curator of Drawings and Prints at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. A Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, she received the inaugural 2019 Vilcek Foundation Prize for Excellence for her contribution to U. S. society and culture as an immigrant. Carmen Bambach has organized various exhibitions at The Met and published several prize-winning books, including Drawing and Painting in the Italian Renaissance Workshop: Theory and Practice, 1300-1600 (“Premio Salimbeni 2000”). Accompanying the eponymous exhibition at The Met, her Michelangelo Divine Draftsman and Designer won the Phyllis Goodhart Book Prize of the Renaissance Society of America in 2019 as well as a prize from the Association of American Museum Curators in 2018. Her Michelangelo exhibition 702,514 visitors to The Met in 3 months. Her four-volume study on Leonardo da Vinci Rediscovered (Yale University Press, 2019) was awarded the first prize of the Premio Internazionale Leonardo da Vinci and the R.R. Hawkins Award from the Association of American Publishers in 2019 as well as the Medáille Louis Fould from France’s Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres de France in 2020. Carmen Bambach was Andrew W. Mellon Professor at the National Gallery of Art’s Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts in 2010-12 as well as Francesco E. De Dombrowski Visiting Professor at I Tatti in spring 2019.
Professor Bambach's upcoming Laureate Lecture on “Nunc Denique Vives”: Thoughts on Posterity in the Lives of Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Raphael by Paolo Giovio will be delivered at I Tatti on June 14.