This year's I Tatti Council Lecture, "Off the Wall: Looking at the Renaissance Portrait", was given by David Young Kim on April 30, 2019. The talk explored images of 16th century Italian aristocrats, knights, and workaday artisans by attending to the spaces that surround and enclose these figures–the niches, crumbling walls, and other architectonic settings that often escape our attention. David Young Kim is Associate Professor at the University of Pennsylvania and a visiting lecturer at the University of Zurich. He is the author of The Traveling Artist in the Italian Renaissance (2014) and the editor of Matters of Weight: Force, Gravity, and Aesthetics in Early Modern Art (2013). He will be an I Tatti Fellow during academic year 2019 / 20.
Introduction to the I Tatti Council Lecture 2019: David Young Kim
I Tatti Council Lecture 2019: David Young Kim "Off the Wall: Looking at the Renaissance Portrait"