Thanks to the generous support of Treacy and Darcy Beyer and in collaboration with the Soprintendenza of Genoa, Villa I Tatti has carried out a small but important photographic campaign focused on Renaissance paintings in the Pinacoteca Civica at Savona. The 13 paintings included in the project were collected by the Pinacoteca Civica at different times mostly during the 19th century, when the museum was formed. They are devotional pieces from various religious buildings or charitable institutions in Savona, such as convents, churches, oratories, and hospitals. The paintings range from the Madonna and Child executed by Niccolò da Voltri’s workshop and the Madonna and Child by the Sienese master Taddeo di Bartolo, to masterpieces from the Quattrocento by Lombard artists active in Liguria, such as the Crucifixion by Donato de’ Bardi and the Fornari Polyptych by Vincenzo Foppa. In addition to these ties with Lombardy, the selection also highlights connections between the Ligurian school and Piedmontese and Occitan painting. The 50 high resolution digital color images of these works, taken by photographer Fulvio Rosso, provide splendid documentation that adds to or updates the historical prints already existing in the Fototeca Berenson. The new images, along with the information about the related artworks, are now available in HOLLIS Images.