Thursday, January 9, 2020, 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Gould Hall, I Tatti

Join us as our Term Fellows give informal presentations of their research projects and discuss their work in progress. These presentations are open to the public.
Nicholas Herman (Craig Hugh Smyth Fellow)
“Il surpasse aujourd’huy tous les citramontains”: Jean Perréal and Franco-Italian rivalry at the turn of the sixteenth century
Richard Wittman (Wallace Fellow)
From Universal Ideal to Local Tradition: The Architecture of the Renaissance in Papal Rome (1815-60)
Daniele Di Cola (Wallace Fellow)
Tradition, Modernity, and the “lois eternelles” of Style: Gustave Soulier’s Definition of Renaissance Art, from “Tintoret” (1911) to “L’Inspiration et la technique de Michel-Ange” (1937)
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