Marco Rosario Nobile
French Renaissance in Southern Italy: architecture and architects (16th century)
2015-2016 (1st sem)

Marco Rosario Nobile has been Full Professor of "History of architecture" since 2006 at the Department of Architecture of the University of Palermo. He is editor of the journal: Lexicon, Storie e Architettura in Sicilia e nel Mediterraneo. At present he is the Principle Investigator of the project COSMED: "From stereotomy to antiseismic criteria: crossroads of experimental design. Sicily and Mediterranean (XII-XVIII century)” (2011). He has published several essays on architecture in the modern age related to the architectural representation, the training of architects, the history of construction and stereotomy.
Project Summary
The category "alla francese" has been used in Spain to explain some linguistic choices. Some French masters are those who imported an architecture identifiable by the adoption of stretched key-stones, the use of “suspended” orders and anthropomorphic figures. The research aims to verify the existence of this phenomenon in southern Italy.