Join us as our Term Fellows give informal presentations of their research projects and discuss their work in progress. These presentations are open to the public.
Elisa Antonietta Daniele (Berenson Fellow)
Tobacco, Gold, and Pearls: Performing Natural Resources in Conversion at the Baroque Court in Turin
Giorgio Bottini (Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Fellow)
Machiavelli, Political Thomism, and the Savonarolan Movement: Custom, People, and Republic in Florence (1494-1513)
This event is open to the public on a by-reservation basis, please sign up by clicking on the link below. Guests attending in person must be in possession of a COVID-19 green certificate. The use of face masks indoors is mandatory.
These events will also be made available online via Zoom. Details:
Meeting ID: 928 7382 3508
Password: 227467
Direct link:
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