Fellows Seminar IV


Thursday, January 29, 2015, 2:30pm to 6:00pm


Gould Hall

•    Lia Markey, Stradano’s Nova Reperta and the Renaissance Representation of Invention and Globalization
•    Sean Roberts, Sabotage! Rivalry, Technology, and the Making of Renaissance Prints
•    Gregorio Saldarriaga Escobar, A Botany of Discovery: American Fruit and European Knowledge in the West Indies, 16th-17th centuries

Each year, the I Tatti (one year) Fellows present their work-in-progress, in the following format. We meet at the Gould Hall of the Loggiato at 2:30, hear the first (half hour) presentation, have a (half hour) discussion, then hear and discuss the second presentation. After a tea break, we hear and discuss the third presentation. All members of the public are welcome, but RSVP by sending an email to jnelson(@)itatti.harvard.edu; visitors, please indicate your full name, institutional affiliation (if you have one), and status (graduate student, professor, independent, etc.)

  Other Seminars:
5 February
•    Lucio Biasiori, "A letter by the Master of the Hospitallers": Prophecy and Politics from the 14th to the 18th century
•    Dávid Falvay, The Meditationes Vitae Christi and its Influence on Fourteenth-century Italian Culture
•    Cyril Gerbron, The Mineral Metamorphoses of Christ in Quattrocento Italian Painting


20 November
•    Francesco Borghesi, "Concordia" in the Renaissance
•    Alessandro Polcri, Il cittadino ideale: in difesa della magnificenza di Cosimo de’ Medici
•    Dario Brancato, Benedetto Varchi’s Storia fiorentina and its Ideological Appropriations

11 December: Trouble in Paradise: Donne, corte e teatro nel dibattito letterario italiano nel tardo Rinascimento
•    Francesco Lucioli, Ludovico Ariosto’s Orlando furioso in Early Modern Italian Texts for and about Women
•    Sarah Gwyneth Ross, L'umanesimo rappresentato nell'Italia della Controriforma. Letteratura, teatro e la famiglia Andreini.
•    Paola Ugolini, The Court and Its Critics. Anti-Courtly Sentiment in Early Modern Italy
22 January: Coining Languages
•    Jessica Goethals, Setting the Siege of Florence in the Literary Imagination
•    Joost Keizer, Leonardo da Vinci and the Work of Interpretation
•    Laura Moretti, Nella stanza de suoni. Naming spaces in the houses of collectors and patrons of the arts in Cinquecento Italy