At these informal events, each of the Villa I Tatti Fellows present
their work-in-progress. Usually, a half hour talk will be followed by a
half hour discussion, and then a talk by the next Fellow. These are held
in the Gould Hall and open to all scholars, but please write in advance if you plan to attend.
30 January, 14.30 Fellows' Seminar IV: Renaissance Otherness
-Daniel Stein-Kokin: Left and Right: Directionality and Christian-Jewish Difference (12th-17th Centuries)
-Cecilia Muratori: Cannibals and Vegetarians: A Renaissance Debate between East and West
-Tamar Herzig: Nuns and Jews in Renaissance Ferrara – and Beyond
6 February, 14.30 Fellows' Seminar V: Interdisciplinary Translations: Philosophy, Philology and Music
-Eugenio Refini: Aristotle's Ethics in 15th-Century Florence: Humanism and Vernacular Translation
-Davide Baldi: Pier Vettori professore di greco-latino nello Studium di Firenze
-Giordano Mastrocola: Influenze extramusicali sull'opera teorica di Nicola Vicentino