Ficino, Marsilio, and Michael JB Allen. 2008. Commentaries on Plato, Volume 1: Phaedrus and Ion. Vol. 34, 51, 52. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 34, 51, 52, 336.
v. 1. Phaedrus and Ion / edited and translated by Michael J.B. Allen. Volume 1 contains analysis and commentary on the 'Phaedrus', which is explicated as a meditation on 'beauty in all its forms' and a work of theology. The commentary on the 'Ion' explores a poetics of divine inspiration that leads to the Neoplatonist portrayal of the soul as a rhapsode whose song is an ascent into the mind of God.
Volume 1 is a revised edition of Michael J.B. Allen's 1981 edition, published under the title: Marsilio Ficino and the Phaedran charioteer.Includes bibliographical references and index.HOLLIS no. 011548919
I Tatti Renaissance Library: 34
See also: I Tatti Renaissance Library