
2019 Dec 09

Common Children and the Common Good: Locating Foundlings in the Early Modern World (Dai bambini “comuni” al bene comune: i trovatelli nella prima età moderna)

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I Tatti / Istituto degli Innocenti
Ospedale degli Innocenti in Florence (detail)

The 600th anniversary of the inauguration of the Ospedale degli Innocenti in Florence provides an opportunity to re-examine the contexts for foundling care both within and beyond this pioneering institution. ... Read more about Common Children and the Common Good: Locating Foundlings in the Early Modern World (Dai bambini “comuni” al bene comune: i trovatelli nella prima età moderna)

2018 Apr 19

Sacrifice and Conversion between Europe and the New World

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Gould Hall, I Tatti

From Tupinambá anthropophagi to ‘bloodthirsty Aztecs’ or ‘child-killing Incas’, American (human) sacrifices flooded the European imagination in the sixteenth century. In Europe, these images interacted with a heated debate about salvation, the Eucharist, and the role of sacrifice within Christianity.... Read more about Sacrifice and Conversion between Europe and the New World
