Term Fellows' Presentations VIII


Thursday, April 10, 2025, 6:00pm to 7:30pm


I Tatti / Zoom
Sandro Botticelli, The Agony in the Garden, c. 1500. Museo de la Capilla Real, Granada

Join us as our Term Fellows give informal presentations of their research projects and discuss their work in progress.

18:00 - 18:30
Alexandre Vico Martori (I Tatti/Museo Nacional del Prado Joint Fellow)
The Other Isabel. The Presence of Italian Painting in the Kingdom of Castile at the End of the 15th Century

18:30 - 19:00
Cora Gilroy-Ware (Wallace Fellow)
Repairing the Renaissance: Visions of Italian Art among the African American Intelligentsia

Image: Sandro Botticelli, The Agony in the Garden, c. 1500. Museo de la Capilla Real, Granada


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