Wednesday, September 11, 2019, 9:30am to 5:00pm
Gould Hall, I Tatti

Please join us for the opening events of the academic year, where the new I Tatti Fellows give informal presentations of their research projects. These presentations are open to the public.
9:30 Art History & Aesthetics
David Kim: Groundwork: Figure, Ground, and Pictorial Composition in the Renaissance Picture
Francesca Fantappiè: The Economics of “Meraviglia”: Theatre, Music, and Money at the Medici court
Pauline Lafille: Battles as Soundscapes in the Arts of the Renaissance
2:30 Spirituality
Mary Doyno: Catherine’s Daughters: Female Penitents, Thomas Caffarini, and the Creation of the Dominican Third Order
Selene Vatteroni: Literary Forms of Spirituality in Cinquecento Florence