Seminar: Thursday, February 10, 2022


Thursday, February 10, 2022, 6:00pm to 7:30pm


I Tatti / Zoom
Raphael's Bridgewater Madonna and its copies

Join us as our Term Fellows give informal presentations of their research projects and discuss their work in progress.

Lori De Lucia (Berenson Fellow)
Race-making in the Early Modern Mediterranean: The Enslaved Black Communities of Palermo, Sicily (1450-1600)

Lisandra Costiner  (Kress Digital Humanities Fellow)
Computational Techniques for the Study of Renaissance Artistic Practices

This event is open to the public on a by-reservation basis, please sign up by clicking on the link below. Guests attending in person must be in possession of a “Super Green Pass” (Green Pass Rafforzato). The use of face masks indoors is mandatory. 

Image: Raphael's Bridgewater Madonna and its copies

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