Conference Proceedings

San Lorenzo: A Florentine Church
Gaston, Robert W., and Louis A. Waldman, ed. 2017. San Lorenzo: A Florentine Church. Publisher's Version Abstract

This comprehensive, interdisciplinary collection illuminates many previously unexplored aspects of the Basilica of San Lorenzo’s history, extending from its Early Christian foundation to the modern era. Brunelleschi’s rebuilt Basilica, the center of liturgical patronage of the Medici and their grand-ducal successors until the nineteenth century, is today one of the most frequently studied churches in Florence. Modern research has tended, however, to focus on the remarkable art and architecture from ca. 1400–1600. In this wide-ranging collection, scholars investigate: the urban setting of the church and its parish; San Lorenzo’s relations with other ecclesiastical institutions; the genesis of individual major buildings of the complex and their decorations; the clergy, chapels and altars; the chapter’s administration and financial structure; lay and clerical patronage; devotional furnishings, music, illuminated liturgical manuscripts, and preaching; as well as the annual or ephemeral festal practices on the site. Each contribution offers a profound exploration of its topic, wide-ranging in its chronological scope. One encounters here fresh archival research, the publication of relevant documents, and critical assessments of the historiography. San Lorenzo is represented in this volume as a living Florentine institution, continually reshaped by complex historical forces.

Bernard Berenson: Formation and Heritage
Connors, Joseph, and Louis A. Waldman, ed. 2014. Bernard Berenson: Formation and Heritage. Villa I Tatti, 440. Publisher's Version Abstract
Bernard Berenson (1865–1959) put the connoisseurship of Renaissance art on a firm footing in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. His monument is the library and collection of Italian painting, Islamic miniatures, and Asian art at Villa I Tatti in Florence. The authors in this collection of essays explore the intellectual world in which Berenson was formed and to which he contributed. Some essays consider his friendship with William James and the background of perceptual psychology that underlay his concept of “tactile values.” Others examine Berenson’s relationships with a variety of cultural figures, ranging from the German-born connoisseur Jean Paul Richter, the German art historian Aby Warburg, the Boston collector Isabella Stewart Gardner, and the American medievalist Arthur Kingsley Porter to the African-American dance icon Katherine Dunham, as well as with Kenneth Clark, Otto Gutekunst, Archer Huntington, Paul Sachs, and Umberto Morra.
The Anglo-Florentine Renaissance : Art for the Early Tudors
Sicca, Cinzia Maria, and Louis Alexander Waldman. 2012. The Anglo-Florentine Renaissance : Art for the Early Tudors. Vol. 22. New Haven: Yale Center for British Art and The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art :Distributed by Yale University Press, 22, x, 414 pages. Publisher's Version Abstract
Introduction / Cinzia Maria Sicca and Louis A. Waldman -- Anglo-Florentine contacts in the age of Henry VIII: political and social contexts / Steven Gunn -- Pietro Torrigiani and his sculpture in Henrician England : sources and influences / Alan Phipps Darr -- Benedetto da Rovezzano in England and after : new research on the artist, his collaborators, and his family / Louis A. Waldman -- Benedetto da Rovezzano and the Altoviti in Florence : hypotheses and new interpretations for the church of Santi Apostoli / Benedetta Matucci -- Benedetto da Rovezzano in England : new light on the Cardinal Wolsey-Henry VIII tomb / Francesco Caglioti -- "142 life-size figures-- with the King on horseback" : Baccio Bandinelli's mausoleum for Henry VIII / Giancarlo Gentilini and Tommaso Mozzati -- From "Defender of the faith" to "Suppressor of the Pope" : visualizing the relationship of Henry VIII to the Medici Popes Leo X and Clement VII / Sheryl E. Reiss -- Craftsmen and courtiers : Italian military expertise at the court of Henry VIII / Maurice Howard -- Holbein, Antonio Toto, and the market for Italian painting in early Tudor England / Susan Foister -- Nonsuch, Henry VIII's Mirror for a prince : sources and interpretation / Martin Biddle -- Giorgio Vasari and the progress of Italian art in early sixteenth-century England / Cinzia Maria Sicca."Under the rule of Henry VII (r. 1485-1509) England became a powerful nation. The Tudor court sought to express its worldliness and political clout through major artistic commissions, employing Florentine sculptors and painters to create lavish new interiors, suitable for entertaining foreign dignitaries, for its royal palaces. These were exemplified by Henry VIII's palace of Nonsuch, so named because no other palace could match its magnificence. Italian sculpture, painting, and tapestries of the day reflected an interest in portraiture and dynastic monuments, epitomized in England by the royal tomb projects created by Baccio Bandinelli, Benedetto da Rovezzano, and Pietro Torrigiani. Generously illustrated throughout, The Anglo-Florentine Renaissance traces the artistic links between Medicean Florence and Tudor England through essays by an international team of scholars and explores how the language of Florentine art effectively expressed England's political aspirations and rose to prominence as a new international courtly style"--Provided by publisher.
Ospedali e Città: Italia del Centro-Nord, XIII-XVI Secolo: Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studio Tenuto Dall'Istituto degli Innocenti e Villa i Tatti, The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, Firenze 27-28 aprile 1995
Splendide case di cura. Spedali, medicina ed assistenza a Firenze nel Trecento / John Henderson -- La specializzazione ospedaliera fiorentina : gli Innocenti e l'assistenza all'infanzia (XV-XVI secolo) / Lucia Sandri -- L'assistenza all'infanzia abbadonata a Venezi : i "fantolini" della pietade (1346-1548) / Casimira Grandi -- Per la storia delle istituzioni ospedaliere nelle città della Terraferma veneta nel Quattrocento / Gian Maria Varanini -- La gestione dell'Ospedale maggiore di Milano nel Quattrocento : un esempio di concentrazione ospedaliera / Giuliana Albini -- L'esempio di una "quasi-città" : gli ospedali di Monza e i loro rapporti con Milano (secoli XIII-XV) / Marina Gazzini -- Ospedali e bambini abbandonati a Bologna nel Rinascimento / Nicholas Terpstra -- Gli ospedali romani tra iniziative laicali e politica pontificia (secoli XIII-XV) / Anna Esposito -- Ospedali e città : bilancio di un convegno / Charles Marie de la Roncière.
