Hanna Kiel Fellow The «Fondo Andrea Francalanci» and fifteenth century dance music: Renaissance and postmodern theory and performance practice 2017 - 2018
Florence Gould Fellow Costruzioni, usi ed eredità dell’Oriente: i francescani, mediatori tra le Chiese d’Oriente e d’Occidente (Italia e Terrasanta, secoli XIV-XV) 2017 - 2018
Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Fellow "Sine quibus non": Arabic Philosophy of Science and the Impact of Medieval and Renaissance Latin Translations 2017 - 2018
Post-Doctoral Fellow and Assistant to the Director for Academic Programs Crocodile Tears: Collecting Objects and Consuming Bodies in Italy and West Africa, ca. 1450-1650
Post-Doctoral Fellow and Assistant to the Director for Publications and Conferences Man as the Centre of the World: Ramon Sibiuda in the European Renaissance
Craig Hugh Smyth Fellow Renaissance’s "pietra dura" as a Source of Inspiration for the Development of Russian Stonecutting Art 2017 - 2018 (September-December)
Berenson Fellow The Information Order: Writing, Mobility and Distance in the Making of the Society of Jesus (1540-1573) 2017 - 2018 (September-December)
David and Julie Tobey Fellow I Disegni di Michelangelo per il Cristo Risorto: Problemi di committenza e sviluppi iconografici 2017 - 2018 (January-June)