I Tatti Renaissance Library

Later Travels
d'Ancona Ciriaco,, Edward W Bodnar, and Clive Foss. 2003. Later Travels. I Tatti Renaissance library ; 10. Vol. 10. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 10, xxii, 459 p., [10] p. of plates. Publisher's Version
Landino, Cristoforo, and Mary P Chatfield. 2008. Poems. Vol. 35. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 35, xxv, 398 p. Publisher's Version
Humanist Educational Treatises
Kallendorf, Craig. 2002. Humanist Educational Treatises. I Tatti Renaissance library ; 5. Vol. 5. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 5, xvi, 358 p. Publisher's Version Abstract

The character and studies befitting a free-born youth / Pier Paolo Vergerio -- The study of literature / Leonardo Bruni -- The education of boys / Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini -- A program of teaching and learning / Battista Guarino.

Ciceronian Controversies
DellaNeva, JoAnn. 2007. Ciceronian Controversies. Vol. 26. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 26, xxxix, 295 p. Publisher's Version Abstract

Introduction --The Poliziano-Cortesi Exchange (mid-1480s). 1. Angelo Poliziano to Paolo Cortesi -- 2. Paolo Cortesi to Angelo Poliziano -- The Pico-Bembo Exchange (1512-13). 3. Gianfrancesco Pico, On Imitation, to Pietro Bembo -- 4. Pietro Bembo to Gianfrancesco Pico -- 5. Gianfrancesco Pico to Pietro Bembo -- The Cinzio-Calcagnini-Lilio Exchange (1532-37). 6. Giambattista Giraldi Cinzio to Celio Calcagnini -- 7. Celio Calcagnini to Giambattista Giraldi Cinzio -- 8. Celio Calcagnini, On Imitation, to Giambattista Giraldi Cinzio -- 9. Lilio Gregorio Giraldi to Giambattista Giraldi Cinzio -- The Possevino Treatises (1593-1603). 10. From the Cicero: On the Technique of Writing Letters. On the Art of Speaking, including Ecclesiastical Speech -- 11. From the Bibliotheca Selecta, Book 18: On the Art of Composing Letters."The most important literary dispute of the Renaissance pitted those writers of Neo-Latin who favored imitation of Cicero alone, as the single best exemplar of Latin prose, against those who preferred to follow an eclectic array of literary models. This Ciceronian controversy is the subject of the texts collected for the first time in this volume: exchange of letters between Angelo Poliziano and Paolo Cortesi; between Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola and Pietro Bembo; and between Giovambattista Giraldi Cinzio and his mentor Celio Calcagnini. A postscript by Lilio Gregorio Giraldi and writings by Antonio Possevino comment further on this correspondence."--BOOK JACKET.

Humanist Tragedies
Loschi, Antonio, Gary R Grund, Albertino Mussato, Gregorio Corraro, Leonardo Dati, Marcellinus Verardus, and Fernandus Servatus. 2011. Humanist Tragedies. Vol. 45. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 45, xliii, 339 p. Publisher's Version Abstract

Introduction -- Ecerinis (1314) / Albertino Mussato -- Achilles (ca. 1387) / Antonio Loschi -- Procne (ca. 1429) / Gregorio Correr -- Hiempsal (ca. 1442) / Leonardo Dati -- Ferdinand preserved (1493) / Marcellino Verardi -- Note on the texts and translations.

Poliziano, Angelo, and Charles Fantazzi. 2004. Silvae. I Tatti Renaissance library ; 14. Vol. 14. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 14, xx, 215 p. Publisher's Version
Latin Poetry
Sannazaro, Jacopo, and Michael CJ Putnam. 2009. Latin Poetry. Vol. 38. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 38, xxv, 562 p. Publisher's Version Abstract

The Virgin Birth -- Lamentation on the death of Christ -- Piscatory eclogues -- Fragment of an eclogue -- The willows -- Elegies -- Epigrams.

Latin Poetry
Fracastoro, Girolamo, and James Gardner. 2013. Latin Poetry. Vol. 57. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 57, xx, 537 pages. Publisher's Version Abstract

Syphilis, or the French disease -- Joseph -- Carmina: Alcon, or on the care of hunting dogs -- On the death of Marcantonio della Torre -- On the death of Paolo and Giulio, Fracastoro's sons -- To Daniele Rainieri, prefect of Verona -- To Giovanni Matteo Giberti, bishop of Verona -- To Marguerite Valois, queen of Navarre -- To Marcantonio Flaminio and Galeazzo Florimonte -- To Francesco della Torre of Verona -- On the death of Eriprando Madruzzo -- To Cardinal Alessandro Farnese -- To the same illustrious cardinal -- To Pope Julius III -- Fragment -- Fragment, to Giambattista della Torre -- Winter, to the same -- Spring, to the same -- Fragment, to the same -- Another fragment -- Another fragment, to the same -- Another fragment -- On the birthday of Giano Fregoso -- On the birth of a son to Vittoria Farnese -- The tomb of Francesco Maria Molza of Modena -- To Giovanni Lippomano -- On the death of Giovanni Battista da Monte -- To Giovanni Matteo Giberti -- To the same -- To the same -- To the same -- On the Marsango rivulet -- On the same -- From the end of Homocentrica -- From the book on contagious diseases -- From the same work -- From the dialogue on poetry -- From the first book on intellection -- From the same book -- At the end of the same book -- From the second book on intellection -- From the same book -- From the dialogue on the soul -- From the same dialogue: psyche -- An ancient epigram, from blending wine -- To Bacchus the conciliator -- On the flight of the emperor Charles V -- On the death of Marcantonio della Torre -- An offering of thanks to Marco Antonio Flaminio -- Fragments of a poem in praise of Giberti -- Fragment of an eclogue in praise of Giberti -- Fragment on poisons -- Fragment on poisons -- Another fragment -- Beginning of the syphilis: another version -- On the death of M. Giberti.
